
The end of Webflow? Webflow and Framer in direct comparison

Jakob Wiemer
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Jakob Wiemer
The end of Webflow? Webflow and Framer in direct comparison


For a long time, Webflow was considered the newcomer in the field of web development, who really makes WordPress a fire under its butt. With Framer, another player is now on the market. Now the question is: Webflow or Framer — which platform is the better choice for your next website project?

So that you can finally stop worrying about it, as you've certainly already had a few sleepless nights because of it, we're taking a closer look at both platforms today.

When it comes to SEO, pricing, performance, plugins, site management and backups, Webflow and Framer are roughly enough. That is why today we are comparing what I think are the most important disciplines: Handling, Design & Animation and CMS. This is where you decide which of the two platforms suits your use case.

Webflow: The powerhouse for high-quality websites


1. Handling: Classic web development in a visual environment

As mentioned many times in this extremely fine newsletter, Webflow is aimed primarily at professional web developers and experienced designers. Even though Webflow, strictly speaking, positions itself as a drag-and-drop tool, I wouldn't describe it as such. Rather, it is based on the classic concepts of web development and is therefore much more complex to use than Framer.

What does that mean? Webflow builds websites using the “A box in a box” scheme. All important CSS parameters are accessible via a control panel with just a few clicks. One of the biggest strengths? The class system. This allows you to define styles that you can use over and over again.

2. Design & animation

You only understand train station? No problem In simple terms, this means that Webflow offers endless design options and sets (almost) no technical limits. Take a look at the awesome product landing pages from Apple on. With Webflow, something like this can be developed without a line of code.

Webflow is a designer's dream. When you understand the basic concepts of web development, you can implement complex, responsive designs and layouts in record time without getting lost in the depths of HTML or CSS. In combination with the extensive animation options, there are no limits in terms of design. Do you like to watch the Audio Pro Case Study from my colleague Tobias Peil and to me. This is where we really maxed out Webflow's interactions.

In addition, since autumn 2023, Spline Integration has finally been available, through which I reported last month Have. With this, 3D interactions are easy to implement and it makes Webflow even more exciting for those web designers who want to create unique websites for their customers.

3. CMS

Here, too, Webflow offers a wide range of creative freedom. From simple blogs to complex portfolio projects with cross-references to other CMS collections, you can create very exciting things with Webflow. My colleague Jonas Arleth Has with the project Zahna tiles Really made the Webflow CMS glow. It's worth stopping by!

Many of my customers also really appreciate the Webflow CMS. Content maintenance is therefore a hassle-free child's play. You can't break or shoot anything to pieces. Especially if you had a WordPress website before, you can run from rain to warm living room with the Webflow CMS. But enough raving about Webflow. Let's take a look at Framer.

Framer: The agile landing page professional


1. Handling: Figma for the web

In contrast, Framer is really a drag-and-drop tool that not only looks similar to Figma, but also works almost the same way. Just that you don't develop static designs, but real responsive websites.

So you can simply jump into the tool and get started without much previous knowledge. This makes Framer particularly interesting for three target groups:

First for web designerwho don't want to spend much time on web development. Framer opens up a fantastic world for them in which they can develop stylish, modern websites in short sprints without depending on a developer.

On the other hand for undertakingswho want to design, expand and manage their website themselves without much expertise.

Last but not least, Framer is also ideal for prototyping. Regardless of whether it is a website or an app. Within a few hours, you can design landing pages, for example, and test them directly on the web without much technical effort.

2. Design & animation

Although Framer is much simpler than Webflow, it can be used to develop very beautiful, interactive websites. Thanks to the ease of use, creativity is not limited by one's own technical expertise.

Just letting a text flow in elegantly or simple scroll interactions are absolutely no issue with Framer. If you want to go beyond that, you will push the limits at some point. Certainly more than enough for many cases, but in the end, Framer is a drag-and-drop tool that is much more limited in depth than Webflow.

3. CMS

Framer's CMS is technically a bit more stripped-down than Webflow's, even though a lot has happened here in recent months. More than enough for simple blogs, projects, testimonials or FAQs. Similar to Webflow, website content is wonderfully easy to maintain without having to dig into the topic or running the risk of hitting anything against the wall.


As a Webflow developer, I say: STAY AWAY FROM FRAMER. But now have fun on the side. Framer is really nice! In my opinion, ideal for small businesses that may not yet have the big budget to commission a website or want to take over the helm themselves. Framer can be a fantastic alternative to Webflow, especially for landing pages or compact websites.

While Framer stands out above all because of its ease of use as a complete package, Webflow still scores points when it comes to design freedom. If you are really familiar with Webflow, you can develop any layout and design, no matter how crazy or unusual.

It is of course also clear to me that not every company needs a website that is ultra fancy. But Webflow is also passing Framer in another area: scalability. Thanks to the class system and the powerful CMS, you can expand and refine your Webflow website as you like without risking inconsistencies in design.

Ultimately, the decision depends on your specific project and needs. Are you building a comprehensive, professional website and want to have everything under one roof? Then Webflow is your new best friend. Or are you experimenting with landing pages and simply want to get started yourself without having to take a Webflow course right away? Then you'll progress faster with Framer.

Do you have a project in mind? Then simply book with us 30min website sparring and we'll see together whether Webflow is the right platform for you!