
The perfect website structure for service company (2/2)

Jakob Wiemer
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Jakob Wiemer
The perfect website structure for service company (2/2)


In the first part of this issue, we talked about the Hero section, the pain points of our target group and the added value of our service (“The delicious bait”). With these 3 sections, we have set up a structure that creates demand and clarity for our offer and filters our website visitors so that potential new customers remain our target group. With the “About Us” section, we have also laid an initial foundation for trust. The second part is now about further expanding this trust through real projects, testimonials and transparency and achieving a conversion with a clear CTA.

Demonstrate competence - The Project Section

In previous sections, we have made our offer tasty for our target group with great sensitivity. “That all sounds nice and good, but basically anyone can claim a good service?” - a thought you might be having right now. Your visitors have guaranteed it.

That is why we demonstrate real work experience with projects. Through an authentic insight into our portfolio, we create an incredible amount of trust, as potential customers can get an impression of the quality of our work for themselves.

On the homepage, however, we'll keep it short and concise here as well. Ideally, we will show a selection of our 3-4 best projects, which represent our entire work. The actual case study behind the projects can of course go into a bit more detail.

In my example, I have a lighthouse project and am combining it with two other very good projects. This gives me a small but fine selection that makes a professional impression at first glance.

The testimonials - “Let happy fish swim around the bait”

So we've now proven our expertise with real projects. Outstanding. But it is immediately followed by the next BUT: There is a wide range for (almost) every need. I'm also not the only guy on the Internet who develops Webflow websites (although I really do it very well, I promise 😉). The need for authentic and credible customer testimonials is therefore booming today.

If you can prove that you are not the only one who is convinced of your service, you make the purchase decision of potential new customers significantly easier. I therefore recommend placing at least 3 written testimonials on the website. But there is a better solution: Video testimonials.

Because in theory, you can also pull written testimonials out of your hat. Let's be honest: Hardly anyone verifies the authenticity. Video testimonials are much more complex and difficult to falsify, as the customer appears personally with their face and name. They are therefore extremely credible and create the trust we need for a conversion.

Creating transparency - The project process

We're almost there. We only need a few steps to convert. In the last few meters, we are now quickly creating transparency for the project process. At this point, ask yourself: What steps do your customers go through with you? Especially when it comes to high-priced services, no one likes surprises. Break down the entire process to 3-5 understandable steps. In this way, we set clear expectations and the customer knows what to expect when working with them.

The final CTA - “Get the Angel”

Your potential new customer has a problem. You've got the perfect solution that fits like a glove. You radiate tremendous expertise through your target group understanding, personality and portfolio and can prove this through credible testimonials.

We have all the ingredients for a perfect conversion. Your favorite fish like the bait so good that they have bitten. Now all you have to do is catch up with the fishing rod. That's what we do with the final Call to action. This is where we bring our storyline to the end and round it off with a clear call for action.


Congratulations, you have (hypothetically) a new customer 🎉 It wasn't that difficult, was it? Although, of course, there is a bit more to it. I've just given you the right structure. Bulletproof texts are still missing now. High-quality images and graphics. A modern and tidy web design. And a website technology that is performant and SEO friendly. And a CMS that lets you easily and quickly edit and add content.

Oh my, so a bit more. Fortunately, there are competent young people like me who can help you develop your website. If you want your website to stop being an Internet corpse and finally work for you, write to me here directly on LinkedIn or book yourself about this link a free consultation