
How to turn your website into a high-conversion customer magnet

Jakob Wiemer
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Jakob Wiemer
How to turn your website into a high-conversion customer magnet


How much does it actually cost your company to have a loveless or even no website? How many additional customers could you have gained? How many jumped out just because your website is still down in 2012? Do you have a high-quality offer, but not a convincing website and don't want to lose any more customers to the competition? Today I'll tell you why a strategic web design is essential for your company and which 7 questions you should answer on the homepage to convert visitors into customers.

Your website is your poster child

Your website is often the first thing potential customers see about your company. It is therefore extremely important to leave a positive and lasting impression here. If you can't do that with your website — for example due to outdated design, slow loading times, poor UX or ill-thought-out content — you lose valuable customers to your competition who have recognized the competitive advantage of a good website.

Your website represents your company and is an important part of your corporate identity. It should therefore radiate professionalism and quality and make your brand come alive. You can do this through a strategic web design that is precisely tailored to your business goals and creates trust for your product. With this lever, you set yourself apart from your competition and automatically attract new customers.

Your website pitches your offer

But what does strategic web design mean? Strategic web design not only impresses with first-class design, excellent usability or fast loading times, but above all with a well-thought-out content structure and bulletproof information. You need to pick up your visitors within 1-2 minutes using simple language if you want to sell your product. The start page should therefore be structured in such a way that it answers the following questions:

  • What is your product?
  • What added value does it offer?
  • How does it work?
  • Why should people buy it from you and not from your competition?
  • Why buy the product now and not in 6 months?
  • How does the customer know that your product is working?
  • What does it cost?

If you offer a complex service - such as copywriting or conversion optimization - whose price varies from customer to customer, I recommend omitting the price question on your website. You can also mention the most common pain points of your target group to point out the need for your product.

If you answer these 7 questions on your company's homepage, you're already one step ahead of most of your competition. If you now package your pitch in an elegant web design, your customers will be impressed by your offer, your brand and your professionalism and will buy from you and not from your competitors.

Your website creates visibility

If your website is optimized for relevant keywords and regularly contains exciting content for your target group, for example in the form of news, blog posts, case studies, customer feedback, or projects, you increase the likelihood that your company appears high in Google search results. Through SEO (preferably in combination with good social media marketing), you can sustainably increase the number of visitors to your website and thus the visibility of your company.

Conclusion: The formula for success for your website and more customers

A professionally developed website with strategic web design is an effective tool for new customers. Companies that do not recognize this potential lose valuable customers to their competitors. Use the following formula for your website to create lasting trust for your product among your target customers:

Quality web design with good UX and fast loading times + Pitch of your offer in simple language + Relevant content with added value + Visibility through SEO & Marketing = More customers

If you find that you are giving away potential, I invite you to a free and non-binding analysis interview by jointly identifying the low hanging fruits on your website.

Here you go for a free and non-binding analysis interview for an immediate improvement of your website conversion.